Thinking of Buying an Egg Tray-Making Machine? Choose a Small Egg Tray Making Machine

Are you considering getting into the egg tray business? How about a small egg tray machine? These are appropriate for small-business investors and people looking to join the market. Many clients choose them because of their small space occupancy, low initial cost, and ease of operation.

1500pcs Small Egg Tray Machine
1500pcs Small Egg Tray Machine

These models are also easy to transport after purchase and are simple to set up as well. As such, they can be a worthwhile purchase whether or not you are starting or are looking to expand your business. Here is all you need to know about these egg tray making machines:

Features and Specifications of the Small Egg Tray Making Machine

• Rate of Production

Small machines are appropriate for small-scale factories or private residences. They can produce between 1000 and 1500 egg trays per hour. Because of their low productivity, they can be dried manually, saving on the utility costs of operation.

• Types of Products

Small egg tray making machine can make more than just egg cartons and trays. Other products include shoe trays, package trays, apple trays, and quail egg trays/cartons. All you need to do is specify your mold needs to your manufacturer as well as the capacity you’d like from 6,12, 18,20, 24, or 30 items.

• Types of Raw Materials

From old paper egg trays to paper-made goods, cardboard, newspaper, magazine, books, and so on, you can get a small egg tray machine that utilizes a wide array of raw materials.

• Machine Components

Like other modules of the egg tray making machines, this one has 4 lines. These include the pulping line, molding line, drying line, and packing line. To make the production process easier, you could add some customization features to your machine. This saves you time and labor as well.

• Cost

Small paper egg tray production machines vary in cost from $9,000 to $70,000. Many different factors determine the ultimate pricing of an egg carton machine. These include customized parts, accessories, and dryers. The more the specifications, the higher the price.

What Are the Benefits of a Small Egg Tray Machine?

1. Low Initial Capital

This type of machine is commonly used in the small-scale egg tray industry due to its high productivity and low cost. If you would like to start a lucrative business yet cannot find enough capital, the small egg carton machine is a great place to start.

2. It is a Low-Risk Investment

With this machine, you can make cup holders, fruit trays, egg cartons, and more. This opens up your market hence high profitability. Since the start-up costs for this industry are low, the profit margins are high since it will only take a short time before your capital is back.

1000psc Manual Egg Tray Machine to Algeria
1000psc Manual Egg Tray Machine to Algeria

3. It is Easy to Operate

You will find that the small egg tray machines are simple to manage. Whatever kind of waste you have; old books, waste paper, cardboard, and many others, all you need is water and a few steps and you are good to go.

4. It Occupies Minimal Space

Have limited land space? Perhaps want to start a small family business and you barely have space to set up? The small egg carton-making machine takes up minimal space, you’ll barely notice the intrusion! Get competitive egg tray machine price here.

Are You a First/Small-Scale Investor? Poultry Farmer?

Try the small egg tray making machine! From low capital investments to ease of operation and small foot space, there is a lot to gain. Moreover, you do not need professional labor. Contact us for the best machine and get value for money!